"Grabbing for the American Dream" by Akira Odani
– Can I help you? I speak some English.
My father’s failure propelled me to seek my own destiny.
Akira Odani lives in the ancient city of St. Augustine, Florida. He is a member of the Taste Life Twice Writers’ group. Born in Tokyo, he wrote extensively in the past for the Japanese media, but more recently his interest has turned to writing in English and on subjects that intersect the cultural, and social characteristics of the two peoples. Some of his work has appeared in the pages of anthologies sponsored by the Florida Writers Association. He stays active, meditating, swimming, and playing pickleball.
Editor’s Note: Akira Odani served as a simultaneous interpreter for US Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
Author’s Talk
Akira Odani
My adult life began when I recognized the twisted nature of my family in Tokyo and turned my attention to a more hopeful prospect in the United States. "Grabbing for the American Dream" resulted from an exploration of how I have arrived at my current stage of life.
I attribute my success in leaving Japan, acquiring high-quality education in the U.S., and finding a meaningful occupation to sheer luck, a craving for improving my lot, and the goodwill of the people who helped me.
The new life in America, however, did not deliver the happiness -- defined vaguely by my immature mind -- I envisioned. In hindsight, out of confusion, I suffered and ended up hurting my wife and two children. Separation, divorce, and custody battles ensued. I sank into depression and disappointed lovers and friends for decades.
I am the mystery I want to untangle. The root cause of the discrepancy between my American Dream and my private life, I believe, is the unfortunate lack of self-awareness, the consequence of overzealous attention to my external and material well-being while neglecting the cultivation of the heart, the emotional intelligence.
Thanks to the encouragement of my writing friends and Randell Jones, I identified the first "Twists and Turns" of my life by excavating the role my father played inadvertently in my teens. I hope my story can resonate with others who have experienced similar bewilderment about their choices and the persons they became. - Akira Odani