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6-minute Stories

Everybody loves a good story
Listen to these 6-minute stories
from both new voices and experienced writers
from the Personal Story Publishing Project anthologies:
Bearing Up , Exploring , That Southern Thing , Luck & Opportunity,
Trouble , Curious Stuff , Twists and Turns , Sooner or Later , and Now or Never.
Copies of all 10 books in the series available here.
“6-minute Stories” episodes announced on Facebook @6minutestories

"How Bad Could It Be? by Phyliss Grady Adcock

 – You can’t imagine!

After two quick drinks he turned into one of my fifth-grade students.


After teaching 34 years, Phyliss Grady Adcock retired in Morehead City, North Carolina. She was recognized as the first Raychem Educator of the Year and is listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers for 1996 and 2000. Her writing has appeared in Mailbox Magazine, Teacher’s Helper, and five previous PSPP anthologies. Beginning 13 years ago, she created Senior Stretch, a program for Senior Citizens to promote healthy movement and social interaction. She teaches life skills and creative writing for the Peer Recovery Center. Writing is her Happy Place. 

Author’s Talk

Phyliss Grady Adcock

Foolhardy! Only one experience came to mind when I read this book title. How brave and foolish it truly was. 

When you date one guy at fourteen and marry him at twenty-one, you are a blind dating virgin. I was not prepared after ten years of marriage to dive into the dating pool. The pool is Olympic size, but only a foot deep. I soon found out it was filled with Sharks, Barracudas, Bottom Feeders, and and an occasional Clownfish. Navigating these waters was interesting, educational, and frightening at times. I learned a lot about the opposite sex and myself. I do believe men do not look in the mirror before leaving their homes. They also do not have a filter from their brains to their mouths. I am a fashion snob and evidently, I am very optimistic and persistent or desperate. 

This journey would eventually lead to “The Catch of the Day”. So, if you are single, male or female, please read carefully and try to save yourself some rejection and prepare for the ride of your life over rough waters!

Randell Jones