"My Neighbor Is a D-Day Hero" by Randell Jones - reprise 2024
This story is offered for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944. It is the experience that day of my next-door neighbor as he wrote it years later. He passed away in February 2024 after turning 100 on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day. This version of the story ran four years ago when he was 96. It first ran when he was 95. A few years ago he learned that he had been awarded a fourth Purple Heart to accompany his Bronze Star. This story is offered in honor and memory of all World War II veterans with special appreciation for your service, Horace. Thank you, and thank you, veterans, all.
Horace Barrett
PSPP writer Ginny Foard set up a challenge at her gym for those who want to honor Horace Barrett, D-Day hero, by doing his daily exercise routine that he followed through his 90’s and after he turned 100 on December 7, 2023. Horace was walking 2 miles a day and doing 40 push ups. Kudos to those who signed up and those who will sign up and complete in his memory today the D-Day Challenge on the 80th anniversary of this extraordinary moment in world history. Thank you, Ginny. Courage.