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6-minute Stories

Everybody loves a good story
Listen to these 6-minute stories
from both new voices and experienced writers
from the Personal Story Publishing Project anthologies:
Bearing Up , Exploring , That Southern Thing , Luck & Opportunity,
Trouble , Curious Stuff , Twists and Turns , Sooner or Later , and Now or Never.
Copies of all 10 books in the series available here.
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"In Transition" by Jane Satchell McAllister

 – Falling Tree pose anyone?

I hope good karma makes me a volcanologist next time.


Jane Satchell McAllister's writings draw inspiration from the wide variety of people and places she encounters, from her home base in Davie County, North Carolina, to rich adventures across our country and abroad. She has co-authored two Images of America books through Arcadia Publishing and served for nine years as director of the county public library. Her current writing project is compiling stories based on decades of travel, both fiction and nonfiction, almost as much fun as the trips themselves.

Author’s Talk

Jane Satchell McAllister

Aging, as they say, is not for chickens. I naively assumed that having taken good care of myself for decades, I would sail into my later years smoothly. Wrong!  

So, the challenge became how to grapple with the issues that arise as we age. Patience has never been a strong suit for me, so my protests and frustrations over new health concerns tend to be vocal and recurring. However, there is humor to be savored if one shifts perspective, and humor is far more beneficial than anger. There is also gratitude that medical science has answers that were not available for our parents’ generation.  

It also helps that we seniors are in this boat together, so friends offer understanding and support. My husband even went so far as to take a CPR course in case he ever encounters an opportunity to help.  

Reflection on lifelong accomplishments, adventures, and accomplices brings great joy, but I have no intention to cease racking up adventures and accomplices. I choose to continue engaging with people, embracing new learning opportunities, and exploring our incredible world. Underlying everything, there is deep gratitude, for many do not reach this stage of life or arrive too encumbered to enjoy it. Every day there are moments of joy and wonder.   

Now, where did I put my glasses? 

—Jane Satchell McAllister

Randell Jones