"No More Kisses" by Annette Brown
– we’re too old
We hold on white-knuckle tight because parenthood is one wild ride.
Annette L. Brown lives in Atwater, California on an almond farm where she has been writing for her own pleasure for over 30 years. Following her recent retirement from teaching, she has become serious about refining her craft and to this end feels privileged to be part of two writing groups: the Taste Life Twice Writers and the Light Makers’ Society. Annette is inspired by nature, family, beauty, and humor. Pieces reflecting those inspirations have been published in Cathexis Northwest Press and a local newspaper.
Author’s Talk
Annette Brown
I wrote “No More Kisses” when Cole was four years old, not long after he announced his aversion to being kissed. Cole’s twenty-five now. However, my memory remains vivid, which motivated me to blow the dust from the surface of my original draft and evaluate its merits.
I’ve always loved to write. As an English teacher, I wrote for and with my students, creating a relaxed writing habit. When I had children, I extended that habit. However, I was busy and dedicated little time to refining my craft. Now, I'm retired and have the luxury of time.
“No More Kisses” is the first story I have revisited with a serious writer’s pen, but more importantly with the support of the Taste Life Twice and the Light Makers’ Society writing groups. My writing friends have challenged me to refine with a critical eye. For that, I am grateful.
In truth, writing this author’s talk is a challenge. Part of me wants to share reflections on Cole as a 4-year old–his quirky character and foolish fearlessness, his loyalty to friends and commitment to solidarity with Justin, the friend who convinced Cole he was too old to be kissed. To this day I wonder if Justin refused kisses forever. Cole did.
However, talking about Cole’s nature isn’t really enough. His insistence on no kisses, followed weeks later by his initiating a kissing game (employing a blatant form of reverse psychology), pushed me to think about how complicated children are–how strong and prideful as well as how silly and whimsical they can be. This truth about children was already in me. People are complicated; children are little people. They’re complicated. Cole’s level of commitment to “no more kisses” simply forced me to acknowledge the depth of his character differently.
Perhaps the difference in how I saw Cole led to my sense of loss. The change hollowed my stomach, like something was escaping. Cole was running toward independence at a pace I could hardly keep. The impact of the moment clings–as does the humor. It’s complicated. In writing “No More Kisses,” giving it to the page, I am also giving it to you.
I hope the story makes you smile, a joyful reminder of the challenges and craziness we experience as parents, children or both! Enjoy! - Annette Brown