Holiday Season Special - “My Dad Was Santa Claus” and “The Long Short Walk.”
‘tis the season for making memories and making merry
—and remembering, “everybody loves a good story.” sm
Doug Croft lives in Charlotte North Carolina. For his own enjoyment, he journals poetically and occasionally writes essays. His poetry has twice appeared in the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival Boundless Anthology, Waco WordFest Cultural Arts Festival, along with three magazines: Synkroniciti, Auroras & Blossoms, Culture Cult. He has received two awards in regional writing competitions and has written five sketches which have been performed in various settings.
Carlton Clayton lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he is a volunteer with the North Carolina Writer’s Network Prison Outreach Program and a member of the Charlotte Writer’s Club. Though he is working on a full-length memoir, he enjoys most the short form. Carlton also has work in Pembroke Magazine, Iron Horse Literary Review, and the New York Quarterly.