Daniel Boone Footsteps
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6-minute Stories

Everybody loves a good story
Listen to these 6-minute stories
from both new voices and experienced writers
from the Personal Story Publishing Project anthologies:
Bearing Up , Exploring , That Southern Thing , Luck & Opportunity,
Trouble , Curious Stuff , Twists and Turns , Sooner or Later , and Now or Never.
Copies of all 10 books in the series available here.
“6-minute Stories” episodes announced on Facebook @6minutestories

"The Plummet" by Susan Wilson

facing an age-old fear

“A wrinkle in time” may have a new meaning to this writer who is considering the prospects and perplexities of appearance and aging, tongue-in-cheek, of course, Well, maybe.


Susan Wilson lives in Clemmons, North Carolina, and is a member of Winston-Salem Writers. Her creative nonfiction work has appeared in Flying South and Bearing Up. She was a finalist for the 2017 James Hurst Prize for fiction and a finalist for the 2018 North Carolina State University Shorter Fiction Prize. She is currently working on a collection of creative nonfiction.

Randell Jones